The National Mining Association is launching a new campaign it hopes will help keep underground coal miners safe.

The "Stay Away, Stay Alive" initiative is aimed at reducing accidents and deaths related to continuous miner machinery.

President Hal Quinn said Monday the association worked with industry to develop videos and other new training materials based on analysis of accidents. They highlight specific actions miners should avoid.

Joe Craft, CEO of Alliance Natural Resources Partners, says the program is voluntary, but specifically tailored to meet coal companies' needs.

He says all safety directors at the association's member companies will get the materials.

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  1. Coal November 30, 2011 at 5:54 AM  

    Coal Mining shows that there are many companies answers to the call of a cleaner coal to help the environment preserve it's purity and as well as the coal industries longevity. Both must work hand in hand to see the sky rocket success in the coal prices and green house effect. Cherry of

  2. Coal March 21, 2012 at 5:49 AM  

    Coal publications would suggest the commodity isn't going anywhere. Coal reports show if we have to live with it, we may as well reduce the impact of coal and CCS seems to be the best solution found to date. Cherry While for some an ideal world would see no reliance on coal statistics to produce electricity,