Unwanted dumping has lead the Mineral Village Board to close its recycling center. The recycling center was designed for the residents of Mineral, with receptacles labeled glass, aluminum cans, broken down cardboard, and newspaper and other recyclable items.

Lately, village officials say, it has become the site of unwanted dumping.
People from outside the area have been seen depositing trash at the center. Proof has been found that residents of neighboring towns are using the center through address labels from mail, catalogs and other identifications.

To add to the headache, a new quote for recycling pick up has more than doubled in price.

“It has gotten out of hand,” said Mayor Glenn Morey. “It leaves us with no choice but to close the center.”

The Mineral Recycling Center will be closed Feb. 1. As of that date, anyone dumping at the site will be fined $500.

In other business, bids were reviewed from several area firms for household garbage pickup. Almost all bids were more than double the current rate of $7 per month.

A bid from Illinois Valley was accepted with a monthly charge of $13.28 per household.

The board agreed to set the garbage pickup at $40 every three months and water usage from $46.50 to $50 every three months. With these increases, curbside recycling was vetoed. The board then decided to increase the number of pickup tags from 13 to 26 allowing another bag to be placed at the curb each week.

The village board also reminded Mineral residents that dry, readily combustible material can be burned from 7 a.m. to sunset daily.

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